The Night Baby Across the Moon to the Stars Lyrics

The Stars are out, the moon is upward...

by Ben
(Circle Pines, MN)

The stars are out, The moon is up,
Its time to go to bed.
I'm so glad yous have a place,
to lay your sleepy head.

Go to sleep my little ane,
beneath the evening stars.
You will always have a identify,
To lay your sleepy head.

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Jul 11, 2021
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Loved this forever
by: Jenn

I loved listening to my Disney tapes as a kid and would sing this to myself at dark. Sounds kinda sad lol But I loved it and knew very word.

I however knew all the lyrics when my son was born and sang information technology to him as well every bit my niece and nephew.

I also sang it kids I babysat and when I was a nanny. The lyrics are so appropriate even when singing to an unrelated kid.

At present I'yard a grandma and sang information technology to the grand babies. Tonight I accept all iii and decided to wait for it and plant it! I remember looked years agone and information technology was nowhere to be establish.
So the babies listened to it tonight.

And so many sweet memories of my childhood and the children who have been in my life. <3

There was another vocal I remember that went like this "grandad clock stands in the hall, he'south very sometime and he's very alpine and tho he is a stately sight, he never can tell the time just correct." I've been looking for that for years. I'll bank check tonight because I haven't in awhile. But if anyone knows please allow me know!

Mar 20, 2019
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Friends Lullaby, by Larry Groce NEW
by: Anonymous

Friends Lullaby, by Larry Groce & Disney Singalong Chorus,

Available on Amazon Music

Jan 21, 2019
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Sweet song. NEW
by: B Haynes

I sang it this way to my kids when they were little. I had cancer and wasn't sure I would survive.

The moon is up the stars are out
It'southward time to get to bed
I'thousand so glad you accept a identify to lay your trivial head
Have a deep and peaceful sleep dream abroad the hours
When yous wake the sun will come up and smile upon the flowers.
Get to sleep my little ones beneath the evening stars
You will always accept your mommy no affair where you are.

Jul 26, 2018
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Recording on YouTube NEW
by: Anonymous

You lot can discover a recording of this song on YouTube. Merely search "Friends Lullaby" or "Larry Groce Friends Lullaby". I used to listen to the Disney tapes and recently had a piddling male child. He'll exist ix months in a week, and this song popped in my head from out of the blue today! (Fifty-fifty I listened to the Disney tapes A LOT as a kid and sang-along with the lyrics book). I was able to find a few more than of my favorites by Larry Groce, besides (I don't retrieve I ever knew it name, and didn't call up they were Disney tapes. We however accept some of the Disney tapes, not sure if we accept the favorite songs ane, and definitely don't know where that lyrics book is.). Thank goodness for YouTube!

These are the original lyrics:

"The stars are out, the moon is up
It'southward time to go to bed
I'k and then glad you take a place
To lay your little head

Have a deep and peaceful sleep
Dream abroad the hours
When you lot wake, the lord's day will come up
To smile upon the flowers

Go to sleep my footling friend
Beneath the evening stars
You will always take a friend
No matter where yous are."

April 05, 2018
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The Moon is Out NEW
by: Anonymous

my version:

The moon is out, the stars are bright
Its time to go to bed
I'grand so glad you accept a place
to lay your little caput
Have a deep and peaceful sleep
Dream abroad the hours
The morning lord's day will come up again
to smooth upon the flowers.

Go to to sleep my little ane
beneath the evening stars,
yous volition e'er have my love,
no thing where you lot are...
no matter where you lot are...
no thing where you are :))

Oct 23, 2016
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Lullaby NEW
by: Kim Rhodes

I sang this to my kids and grandkids since around 1990. More words than what'south posts here.
"The stars are out
The moon is up!
Information technology's fourth dimension to get to bed.
I'm so glad you have a place
To lay your sleepy head.
Accept a deep and peaceful slumber;
Dream away the hours.
When you wake, the sun will come
To smile upon the flowers.

Go to sleep my petty friend
Beneath the ev'ning stars!
Yous will ever take a friend
No matter where you are"!

Apr 16, 2015
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the stars are out. ..
by: JP Morales

I'thousand distressing for your loss.

I sing that aforementioned song to my daughter every night and used to sing it to my son'south before they grew up. The albums names are "disney's children's favorite songs" there are the of them. Toy could probably notice them on amazon now. Walmart used to carry them.

Dec 06, 2012
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The stars are out, the moon is up
by: Linda LL

The 2nd poesy is this:

Have a deep and peaceful sleep
dream away the hours
when you wake the sun volition come
and shine upon your flowers.

I remember the third verse similar this"

Go to sleep my picayune friend
below the evening star
you lot will always have a friend
no affair where you are.

Aug 29, 2011
star star
by: Sue Cherry

The title of the lullaby is Disney's Friend'southward Lullaby and y'all left out the heart verse as well as changing the word "Friend" to "One". The unabridged thing should read every bit follows:

The stars are out, the moon is upwardly
It'due south fourth dimension to go to bed
I'm so glad you have a place
To lay your weary head

Have a deep and peaceful sleep
Dream away the hours
When you wake the sun will rise
To smile upon the flowers

Become to sleep my piddling friend
Beneath the evening stars
Yous volition always have a friend
No matter where you are.

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