After 1945 There Was a Shift in Major Art Production From

Styles of art associated with periods of time and/or locations of artistic action

An art movement is a tendency or style in fine art with a specific common philosophy or goal, followed by a group of artists during a specific catamenia of time, (usually a few months, years or decades) or, at least, with the heyday of the movement divers inside a number of years. Art movements were especially important in modern art, when each consecutive movement was considered equally a new avant-garde movement.

Concept [edit]

According to theories associated with modernism and the concept of postmodernism, art movements are especially important during the period of time corresponding to modernistic art.[1] The menses of time chosen "modernistic art" is posited to accept changed approximately halfway through the 20th century and art made afterwards is generally called contemporary art. Postmodernism in visual fine art begins and functions as a parallel to tardily modernism[2] and refers to that period after the "modern" period called gimmicky art.[3] The postmodern period began during tardily modernism (which is a contemporary continuation of modernism), and co-ordinate to some theorists postmodernism ended in the 21st century.[4] [5] During the period of fourth dimension corresponding to "mod fine art" each consecutive move was ofttimes considered a new avant-garde.[4]

As well during the period of time referred to as "mod fine art" each movement was seen corresponding to a somewhat grandiose rethinking of all that came before it, concerning the visual arts. Mostly at that place was a commonality of visual fashion linking the works and artists included in an fine art movement. Exact expression and explanation of movements has come up from the artists themselves, sometimes in the course of an art manifesto,[six] [vii] and sometimes from art critics and others who may explain their agreement of the meaning of the new art and so being produced.

In the visual arts, many artists, theorists, fine art critics, fine art collectors, art dealers and others mindful of the unbroken continuation of modernism and the continuation of modern art even into the contemporary era, ascribe to and welcome new philosophies of art as they appear.[8] [9] Postmodernist theorists posit that the idea of fine art movements are no longer as applicable, or no longer as discernible, as the notion of art movements had been before the postmodern era.[10] [11] There are many theorists all the same who uncertainty as to whether or not such an era was actually a fact;[4] or just a passing fad.[five] [12]

The term refers to tendencies in visual art, novel ideas and compages, and sometimes literature. In music it is more than common to speak about genres and styles instead. Encounter also cultural movement, a term with a broader connotation.

Equally the names of many fine art movements use the -ism suffix (for example cubism and futurism), they are sometimes referred to as isms.

19th century [edit]

  • Academic, c. 16th century–20th century
  • Aesthetic Motility
  • American Barbizon school
  • American Impressionism
  • Amsterdam Impressionism
  • Art Nouveau, c. 1890–1910
  • Craft Move, founded 1860s
  • Barbizon school, c. 1830s–1870s
  • Biedermeier, c. 1815–1848
  • Cloisonnism, c. 1888–1900s (decade)
  • Danish Golden Age c. 1800s-1850s
  • Decadent motility
  • Divisionism, c. 1880s–1910s
  • Düsseldorf Schoolhouse
  • Etching revival
  • Expressionism, c. 1890s–1930s
  • German Romanticism, c. 1790s–1850s
  • Gründerzeit
  • Hague Schoolhouse, c. 1860s–1890s
  • Heidelberg School, c. 1880s–1900s (decade)
  • Hoosier Group
  • Hudson River School, c. 1820s–1900s (decade)
  • Hurufiyya movement mid-20th-century in N Africa and the Middle E
  • Impressionism, c. 1860s–1920s
  • Incoherents, c. 1882-1890s
  • Jugendstil
  • Les Nabis, c. 1890s–1900s (decade)
  • Les Vingt
  • Letras y figuras, c. 1845-1900s
  • Luminism
  • Lyon School
  • Macchiaioli c. 1850s–1900s (decade)
  • Mir iskusstva, founded 1898
  • Modernism, c. 1860s-ongoing
  • Naturalism
  • Nazarene, c. 1810s–1830
  • Neo-Classicism, c. 1780s–1900s (decade)
  • Neo-impressionism, c. 1880s–1910s
  • Norwegian romantic nationalism, c. 1840–1867
  • Norwich School, founded 1803
  • Orientalism
  • Peredvizhniki
  • Pointillism, c. 1880s–1910s
  • Pont-Aven School, c. 1850s–1890s
  • Postal service-Impressionism, c. 1880s–1900s (decade)
  • Pre-Raphaelite Alliance
  • Realism, c. 1850s–1900s (decade)
  • Realism, c. 1850s–1900s (decade)
  • Romanticism, c. 1750s–1890s
  • Secession groups, c. 1890s–1910s
  • Society of American Artists, c. 1877–1906
  • Castilian Eclecticism, c. 1845-1890s
  • Symbolism
  • Synthetism, c. 1877–1900s (decade)
  • Tipos del País
  • Tonalism, c. 1880–1915
  • Vienna Secession, founded 1897
  • Volcano School
  • White Mount fine art, c. 1820s–1870s
  • Spiritualist art, c. 1870–

20th century [edit]

1900–1921 [edit]

  • Bookish, c. 1900s (decade)-ongoing
  • American realism, c. 1890s–1920s
  • Analytic Cubism, c. 1909–1912
  • Fine art Deco, c. 1910–1939
  • Ashcan Schoolhouse, c. 1890s–1920s
  • Australian tonalism, c. 1910s–1930s
  • Berliner Sezession, founded 1898
  • Bloomsbury Group, c. 1900s (decade)–1960s
  • Brandywine School
  • Camden Boondocks Grouping, c. 1911–1913
  • Constructivism, c. 1920–1922, 1920s–1940s
  • Cubism, c. 1906–1919
  • Cubo-Futurism, c. 1912–1918
  • Czech Cubism, c. 1910–1914
  • Dada, c. 1916–1922
  • Der Blaue Reiter, c. 1911–1914
  • De Stijl, c. 1917–1931
  • Deutscher Werkbund, founded 1907
  • Dice Brücke, founded 1905
  • Expressionism c. 1890s–1930s
  • Fauvism, c. 1900–1910
  • Futurism, c. 1909–1916
  • German Expressionism, c. 1913–1930
  • Grouping of 7 (Canada), c. 1913–1930s
  • Jack of Diamonds, founded 1909
  • Luminism (Impressionism), c. 1900s (decade)–1930s
  • Modernism, c. 1860s–ongoing
  • Neo-Classicism, c. 1900s (decade)–ongoing
  • Neo-primitivism, from 1913
  • Neue Künstlervereinigung München
  • Novembergruppe, founded 1918
  • Objective Abstraction, c. 1933–1936
  • Orphism, c. 1910–1913
  • Photo-Secession, founded c. 1902
  • Pittura Metafisica, c. 1911–1920
  • Proto-Cubism, c. 1906–1908
  • Purism, c. 1917–1930s
  • Rayonism
  • Section d'Or, c. 1912–1914
  • Suprematism, formed c. 1915–1916
  • Synchromism, founded 1912
  • Synthetic Cubism, c. 1912–1919
  • The Viii, c. 1909–1918
  • The X, c. 1897–1920
  • Vorticism, founded 1914

1920–1945 [edit]

  • American Scene painting, c. 1920s–1950s
  • Arbeitsrat für Kunst
  • Art Deco
  • Bauhaus, c. 1919–1933
  • Concrete art
  • Der Ring
  • De Stijl, c. 1917–1931
  • Ecole de Paris
  • Geometric abstraction
  • Gruppo 7
  • International Style, c. 1920s–1970s
  • Kapists, c. 1930s
  • Magic Realism
  • Neo-Romanticism
  • Neue Sachlichkeit
  • Novecento Italiano
  • Novembergruppe, founded 1918
  • Precisionism, c. 1918–1940s
  • Regionalism (art), c. 1930s–1940s
  • Return to order, 1918–1922
  • Scuola Romana, c. 1928–1945
  • Social Realism, c. 1920s–1960s
  • Socialist Realism
  • Surrealism, c. 1920s–1960s
  • Universal Constructivism, c. 1930–1970

1940–1965 [edit]

  • Abstruse expressionism
  • Action painting
  • Arte Povera
  • Fine art Informel
  • Assemblage
  • Crackpot art
  • Chicago Imagists
  • CoBrA, c. 1948–1951
  • Color Field painting
  • Combine painting
  • De-collage
  • Fluxus
  • Happening
  • Hard-Border Painting
  • Kinetic Art
  • Kitchen Sink Schoolhouse
  • Lettrism
  • Lyrical abstraction
  • Neo-Dada
  • New Brutalism
  • Northwest School
  • Nouveau Réalisme
  • Op Fine art
  • Organic abstraction
  • Outsider Art
  • Panic Movement
  • Pop Art
  • Mail service-painterly abstraction
  • Process fine art
  • Public art
  • Retro fine art
  • Serial art
  • Shaped sheet
  • Situationist International
  • Tachism
  • Video art

1965–2000 [edit]

  • Abstract Illusionism
  • Appropriation
  • Arte Povera
  • Art Photography
  • Torso Art
  • Classical Realism
  • Conceptual Art
  • Dogme 95
  • Earth Fine art
  • Figuration Libre
  • Funk art
  • Graffiti art
  • Hyperrealism
  • Installation art
  • Internet Fine art
  • Land art
  • Belatedly modernism
  • Lite and Space
  • Lowbrow
  • Lyrical Abstraction
  • Mail art
  • Massurrealism
  • Maximalism
  • Minimalism
  • Neo-Expressionism
  • Neo-figurative
  • Neo-popular
  • Performance Fine art
  • Postminimalism
  • Postmodernism
  • Photorealism
  • Psychedelic art
  • Relational fine art
  • Site-specific art
  • Audio Art
  • Transavanguardia
  • Young British Artists

21st century [edit]

  • Algorithmic art
  • Altermodernism
  • Biomorphism
  • Reckoner art
  • Figurer graphics
  • Craftivism
  • Digital art
  • Electronic Fine art
  • Ecology art
  • Excessivism
  • Intentism
  • Internet art
  • Intervention art
  • Metamodernism
  • Mod European ink painting
  • Neo-minimalism
  • New Media Fine art
  • Pixel art
  • Post-postmodernism
  • Relational fine art
  • Remodernism
  • Social practice (fine art)
  • SoFlo Superflat
  • Stuckism International
  • Superflat
  • Superstroke
  • Transgressive art
  • Toyism
  • Unilalianism
  • Vaporwave
  • Postinternet

Meet also [edit]

  • 20th-century Western painting
  • Fine art periods
  • List of art movements
  • Post-expressionism
  • Western art history

References [edit]

  1. ^ Man of his words: Pepe Karmel on Kirk Varnedoe — Passages – Disquisitional Essay Artforum, Nov, 2003 by Pepe Karmel
  2. ^ The Originality of the Avant Garde and Other Modernist Myths Rosalind E. Krauss, Publisher: The MIT Press; Reprint edition (July 9, 1986), Part I, Modernist Myths, pp.8–171
  3. ^ The Citadel of Modernism Falls to Deconstructionists, – 1992 critical essay, The Triumph of Modernism, 2006, Hilton Kramer, pp 218–221.
  4. ^ a b c Mail-Modernism: The New Classicism in Art and Architecture Charles Jencks
  5. ^ a b William R. Everdell, The First Moderns: Profiles in the Origins of Twentieth-century Thought, University of Chicago Press, 1997, p4. ISBN 0-226-22480-5
  6. ^ "Poesy of the Revolution. Marx, Manifestos, and the Avant-Gardes" introduction, Martin Puchner Archived 2005-12-27 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved April iv, 2006
  7. ^ "Looking at Artists' Manifestos, 1945–1965", Stephen B. Petersen Archived September 27, 2011, at the Wayback Car Retrieved April 4, 2006
  8. ^ Cloudless Greenberg: Modernism and Postmodernism, seventh paragraph of the essay. URL accessed on June fifteen, 2006
  9. ^ Clement Greenberg: Modernism and Postmodernism, William Dobell Memorial Lecture, Sydney, Commonwealth of australia, Oct 31, 1979, Arts 54, No.half dozen (February 1980). His final essay on modernism Retrieved October 26, 2011
  10. ^ Ideas Almost Art by Desmond, Kathleen K. [1], John Wiley & Sons, 2011, p.148
  11. ^ International postmodernism: theory and literary exercise, Bertens, Hans [two], Routledge, 1997, p.236
  12. ^ "The Expiry of Postmodernism And Across | Outcome 58 | Philosophy Now".
  13. ^ National Gallery of Fine art
  14. ^ Willem de Kooning (1969) by Thomas B. Hess

External links [edit]

  • Archived 2018-09-15 at the Wayback Machine Art movements since 1900.
  • 20th-Century Art Compiled by Dr.Witcombe, Sweet Briar Higher, Virginia.
  • WebMuseum, Paris Themes alphabetize and detailed glossary of art periods.


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